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RO system and faucet
Service kits

Overview of Tap Water Quality and why our System is your Top Choice

The tap water supplied by Water Authorities undergoes sanitation with chlorine for health and safety reasons, including fluoride. However, as it traverses old pipelines, it accumulates sediments, rust particles, and various contaminants. Tap water may include lead, mercury, VOCs, chloramines, herbicides, pesticides, heavy metals, PFAS, and more. Additionally, the water may contain a measure of Total Dissolved Solids (TDS), which refers to the total amount of inorganic and organic substances dissolved in water. TDS levels can vary depending on the region, with areas like Perth, Adelaide, and parts of Queensland experiencing high TDS levels, resulting in a pronounced taste. Determining its purity can be challenging without access to water quality information or a TDS meter.


While Water Authorities ensure water supply within acceptable parameters for various purposes, enhancing drinking water quality can significantly benefit bodily absorption, cellular health, and taste.


A range of drinking water specifications and ideal parameter values exist, often influenced by personal preferences and intended use. Our system addresses the issue of high TDS water, which tends to taste heavy and is likely to be corrosive. Reverse Osmosis (RO) filtration is an efficient method to reduce TDS. It can remove up to 99% of beneficial and harmful inorganic and organic minerals and elements, producing water nearing purity. However, pure mineral free water may only be optimal for long-term consumption if detoxification is the objective.


By incorporating specific remineralisation processes post-RO, our system further significantly enhances water quality, promoting bodily absorption, cellular health, and improved taste. While reintroducing further additional beneficial minerals is desirable, it can be intricate, costly, and impractical. Fortunately, alternative sources of mineral intake are available through a balanced diet.


Our Water System offers an optimal solution with minimal complexity and cost using scheme water. It removes 95-98% of TDS, enriches the water with beneficial Calcium and Magnesium, maintains a high alkaline pH of 9.5, is hydrogen rich (resulting in being antioxidant), is odourless, and delivers a delicious taste through the final coconut carbon filter—providing safe, high quality drinking water. Additionally, our system has been carefully crafted with a Waterwise Permeate-to-Brine ratio (P:B) of 2:3 and employs forefront solutions to slash generic 'Flush' water usage by a remarkable 80%. This demonstrates our commitment to water conservation.


Our innovation stands out from generic models on multiple fronts, notably in appearance. Our system is sleek and modern. We've maximised space efficiency, another feature that sets us apart. Our compact system can be easily installed under your sink, saving you valuable space. These unique features make our system a practical choice.

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